Friday, March 22, 2013

Wonderstruck- Virtual Field Trip and More

Wonderstruck-Virtual Field Trip and More

The worlds of Brian Selznick's Wonderstruck and The Invention of Hugo Cabret - Teaching guide
Virtual trip to the setting of Wonderstruck, activities and more.

Passwords--Are Yours Doing the Job?

I just ran across this article yesterday when I was looking for something else. Considering that our students often have several passwords to manage, I think we tend to help them create easy, memorable passwords. But maybe we need to start challenging them a bit as they get older. Coming up with good passwords isn't easy, but this article by Nicole Perlroth in the New York Times may give you some ideas.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The World IsYour Class

We need to think about this.....Massive Open Online Courses are being compared to the early days of television or movies. We need to think about how they could affect us and our students. More importantly, we need to start thinking about the fact that learning shouldn't be considered just a K-12+higher ed event, but a lifelong journey. Here's a  brief post about MOOCs.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Technology-Rich Learning

The March issue of Educational Leadership (ASCD) is all about Technology-Rich Learning. I actually read it cover to cover. Great articles by Marzono, Tomlinson, and Tom Hoerr (Ellen's former principal)
Click the image above to see the infographic and find the current issue - 

Students First, Not Stuff

Will Richardson
Technologies reframe learning, but educators reimagine schooling.

New Literacies and the Common Core

William Kist
Strategies for learning the fundamentals of reading, writing, and comprehending in the information age.

Flip Your Students' Learning

Aaron Sams and Jonathan Bergmann
Flipped learning is not about how to use video but about how to use students' time.
From "Perspectives"
This issue of Educational Leadership marks the eighth issue that EL has dedicated to technology. (The first with the word "technology" in the title was published in 1968.) As the editors read through submissions, we found the articles fell into several categories: essays from futurists who believe schools are neglecting the revolutionary potential of technology on learning (pp. 10, 22); articles from groundbreaking educators who are experimenting with new student-centered approaches like flipped learning and video screencasts (pp. 16, 28, 84); reports on research and the lack thereof when it comes to knowing what works best for students (pp. 32, 44, 78); and, finally, many articles from educators who are trying to weave tradition and technology into what Catlin R. Tucker (p. 57) calls "a durable education fabric."